Former US Justice Department Special Agent Walt Brown says "it would be an absolute blessing if" the JFK assassins were in a position that "local authorities could not possibly investigate them." Treachery in Dallas, (1995) p. 124.
Which is the one entity that the local authorities could not and would not possibly investigate? The local authorities themselves. Walt Brown says "The Blue Death," aka Dallas law enforcement, were the mechanics of the Kennedy assassination. We agree with him.
Almost all assassination researchers implicate local law enforcement in the Kennedy assassination, but then inexplicably ignore who is in a prime position to manage local law enforcement. Absurdly, too often the CIA is held accountable for the Dallas police.
We ask: What kind of men were the Dallas police in 1963? Who led the Dallas police in 1963? Who could have orchestrated the Dallas police coverup? Most strikingly, who alone could so effectively close the official case with Lee Harvey Oswald's immediate silence?