Convincing evidence doesn't need a 400 page book. I believe the raw evidence must show a conspiracy if any non-assassination-enthusiast is going to believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate president Kennedy.
Attached to this blog post are two items I ask you to consider.
The first is the name and address of General Edwin Walker as found in the papers of Joseph Milteer. The second item is the police report of November 9, 1963 transcribing a conversation Milteer had with a police informant.
Milteer had advanced knowledge of the JFK assassination. Milteer said that Oswald was a know-nothing patsy designed to divert attention away from the murderers, which he called "the patriots."
General Walker and Joseph Milteer are both radical right wing extremists involved in the KKK, John Birch Society, Minutemen, the States Rights Party, and other less-formal associations of violence. I believe the raw evidence in this post shows Walker & Milteer are associates. Have a look at the evidence elsewhere on this website suggesting General Walker was the Dallas operations executive for the JFK assassination plan outlined by Milteer to police informants.
Milteer's address card for General Edwin A. Walker appears on p. 846 of Legacy of Secrecy (2009) by Lamar Waldron and Thom Hartman, available here: