I am a dedicated convert to Jason Ward's methodology for solving the JFK Assassination Conspiracy, and I advocate a radical shift away from the previous half-century of CIA-did-it methodology, which wasted a tremendous amount of time.
The only value that I can see in studying Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO) in Russia, or George De Mohrenschildt (DeM) anywhere, is to demonstrate clearly what a waste of time that has turned out to be.
Jason makes a superb point -- one never made in JFK CT literature until now -- namely, that "every action or behavior at the crime scene reflects the personality of the murderers."
This is especially true of the Leaders of the crime. The followers of the Leaders will generally lack many of the traits of the Leaders, but the sequence of activity at the crime scene will reflect the personality of the Leaders.
For example, if the crime is flashy and flamboyant, as we see in the JFK Assassination, then we ought to look for Leaders of the plot who are equally flashy and flamboyant.
Jason highlighted the crucial flashiness of the JFK Assassination -- in broad daylight, hundreds of witnesses, countless photographs, paramilitary style ambush and execution, radical danger, radical precision, and lots of gore, with JFK's brain splattering your TV screen.
Who was this flashy? Who was this flamboyant? Anybody we know? Anybody with a full-size billboard on their front lawn?
Let's underscore these new and important criteria that Jason has outlined here. This is exactly what the JFK CT literature needs -- young minds with fresh ideas. We'll get to the bottom of this.