Why? Because in 1963 they were top-heavy with Radical Right members.
In my view, the people who killed JFK in Dallas in 1963 truly believed that they did the right thing for America. They truly did. I am convinced that they took no money at all for this deed. There were no paid assassins of any sort in the JFK Assassination. I believe that the material facts of history will soon demonstrate my opinion to be a fact.
One material basis for my claim that in 1963, Dallas Police and Deputies were top-heavy with Radical Right members, is the rare book by former FBI agent, William Turner, Power on the Right (1971). Turner not only lived through that period as an FBI agent, but he also researched his history thoroughly. According to Turner, in the 1950's and early 1960's, it was almost impossible to gain employment in the Dallas Police and Deputies offices unless one was a member of a Radical Right group.
I will repeat -- in Dallas in 1962-1963, the widely recognized leader of the Radical Right was Ex-General Edwin Walker (resigned, not retired, as he himself was careful to note). It was well known in Dallas that "General Walker" also had the backing of the richest man in Texas, H.L. Hunt. The Radical Right tends to be authoritarian -- and the richest man generally rules -- or the one that he delegates.
In Dallas, the most outspoken Radical Right leader was General Walker, who was also a featured public speaker throughout the South for the KKK, the White Citizens' Councils, the National States Rights Party (NSRP), the Minutemen, the John Birch Society and so on -- all of which were united along with George Wallace in opposition to the racial integration of US Public Schools as ruled by the US Supreme Court.
General Walker inspired racial riots at Ole Miss University on September 30, 1962, because one Black American student (James Meredith, as assisted by NAACP leader, Medgar Evers, portrayed above) was granted permission by JFK and RFK to successfully register there. This was flatly against the State Governor's wishes. General Walker went on the airwaves and publicly proclaimed the following:
This is Edwin A. Walker. I am in Mississippi beside Governor Ross Barnett. I call for a national protest against the conspiracy from within. Rally to the cause of freedom in righteous indignation, violent vocal protest and bitter silence under the flag of Mississippi at the use of Federal troops! ...This is the conspiracy of the crucifixion by Antichrist conspirators of the Supreme Court in their denial of prayer and their betrayal of a nation!
This rhetoric still persists in some corners of America today. It was much stronger in 1963 than even today. In the city of Dallas, the home of General Walker, it was perhaps stronger there than anywhere else in America.
It was on the basis of such political propaganda that, when JFK rode through Dealey Plaza, he did not know the dangers he faced. We know today that Dealey Plaza was controlled by the 1963 Dallas Police and Deputies and their official backers. They occupied the County Jail, overlooking Dealey Plaza. They occupied the County Records Building, overlooking Dealey Plaza. They occupied the parking lot behind the picket fence of the Grassy Knoll of Dealey Plaza.
What I find thrilling after more than a quarter century research into the JFK Assassination, is the JFK Records Act trickle of FBI records -- like the full version of the Bell Film, which suggest that 1963 Dealey Plaza was likely swarming with Dallas Police and Deputies, fully armed, and fully prepared to do what they believed in their conscience was RIGHT -- in their own home town -- as JFK drove through THEIR TURF.
I'm delighted that Jason Ward -- a student at Arizona State U., has been studying the US Civil War this semester. The Confederate Flag still flies in the USA today, and it still flew in Dallas in 1963, with a fervor. This line of historical inquiry -- better than any other -- will finally unlock all of the secrets withheld about the JFK Assassination since 1963. There's my opinion.