I'm finally finished with my long review of contradictions in the Warren Commission (WC) testimony of Dallas Deputies and Policemen whom I find suspicious in the matter of the JFK assassination.
Some readers might object: "Paul, you have voiced your suspicions, but you haven't proven much at all. You certainly haven't proved that any Dallas Deputy or Policeman had anything to do with Ex-General Edwin Walker. And we certainly haven't seen any connection with Washington DC, and how they managed a JFK Cover-up of a conspiracy! We're disappointed."
My reply is, "Patience, patience! I'm barely half-way through my review of WC testimony!" We have a long way to go, so please bear with me, and you'll see a lot more than you might have expected.
My next focus for WC testimony will be Dallas FBI agent James Hosty. In my opinion Hosty is one of the central figures in the JFK assassination, because he led the field in falsifying evidence to the Washington DC, Protective Research Section (PRS).
The purpose of the PRS was to find individuals who had threatened the US President in any given city. The PRS would contact those threatening individuals and warn them that they would be under surveillance when the President came to that city. Anybody they knew, met or telephoned could also be under surveillance by the Secret Service. The threatening individual was often advised to just stay at home on the day of the President’s visit.
That PRS strategy worked every time. The PRS had never failed in its duty since its first days in operation. Then came the JFK assassination in Dallas. What went wrong?
The problem was this – to research the dangerous people in any given city, the PRS would rely entirely on the FBI branch office closest to that city. It was the duty of every local FBI branch office to identify those individuals who had made open threats to the President within their geographic area.
It is an interesting fact that every US city had at least one wacky person who was willing to threaten the life of the President. Even if they were only joking, the PRS knew that anybody willing to talk about violence was the most likely to actually become violent. This was the strategy: (a) identify the spoken and written threats; (b) find the individuals behind them; and (c) sternly warn the individuals before the President came to visit their city.
When it came to JFK, the most interesting fact about the interaction between the Washington DC offices of the PRS and the Dallas branch of the FBI, is that when the PRS asked if there were any people in Dallas who were a potential threat to the President, the Dallas FBI said, “No, nobody at all!”
I will paraphrase here, so that the reader can get a quick overview of the topic before I lather on the WC testimony from high-ranking people in Washington DC. It was so unusual that a local FBI would report no threats – especially in a large city like Dallas – that the PRS asked again. “Are you sure? Better double-check.” The Dallas FBI returned the answer, “We’re sure. Nobody in Dallas is a threat to the President.”
The PRS asked again, “Well, what about last month, when Ambassador Adlai Stevenson was spit upon and struck by protesters in Dallas? What about those threats?” The Dallas FBI replied, “Those were only college students who were a bit rowdy. We have set them straight, and they are no threat to the President.”
The PRS asked yet again: “What about this handbill that circulated around Dallas during the Adlai Stevenson incident, which says, “WANTED FOR TREASON: JFK”? What about the people who published that? The Dallas FBI replied, “We don’t know who published that, yet. We’re still looking. We’ll tell you when he find somebody. For now, we think it’s only a prank.”
So, the PRS was satisfied. No local FBI had never lied to the PRS in the past. No local FBI had ever let the PRS down in the past. No local FBI had ever been wrong in the past. So, the PRS accepted the word of the Dallas FBI, and went ahead to plan JFK’s trip to Dallas.
That, dear readers, was what went wrong with the US Government in November, 1963. That, dear readers, was how, in my opinion, the Dallas FBI supported a Dallas plot to assassinate JFK. In my opinion we can trace the material evidence that the Dallas FBI actually lied to the PRS. That was the very key to the question about Dallas manipulating Washington DC in 1963.
Many JFK researchers over the past half-century have tried to explain the role of Washington DC in the saga of the JFK assassination. Most of their flimsy explanations seek culprits inside the CIA. Jason Ward and I challenge that majority opinion. We carefully review WC testimony to show how Washington DC was fooled by the Dallas FBI – in what appears to be a treasonous cooperation with the Dallas Radical Right.
The person in the Dallas FBI who would have been closest to that deliberate deception, if it indeed occurred, would be Dallas FBI agent James Hosty.
I’m going to spend a lot of time analyzing the words of James Hosty – not only from his WC testimony, but also from his book, Assignment Oswald (1996) – to show forth the glaring self-contradictions there.
But before I do that, I will first prepare the backstory as told by high-ranking officials from Washington DC, as follows:
1. DOUGLAS DILLON: US Secretary of the Treasury and Supervisor of the Secret Service in Washington DC. He claimed that a key cause of the JFK assassination was the failure of the Secret Service Protective Research Section (PRS) to obtain useful data from the Dallas FBI about persons in Dallas who were dangerous to the US President.
2. JAMES ROWLEY: Chief of the Secret Service. He held that the breakdown in US Government systems occurred when the Dallas FBI failed to supply to the Washington DC offices of the PRS, all relevant data on Dallas threats. He noted that even WC member, Congressman Hale Boggs, had found it strange that the Dallas FBI did not transmit names of known threats to the PRS.
3. ALAN BELMONT: Assistant to the FBI Director. He defended the Dallas FBI behavior for failing to send suspicious names to the PRS, on the grounds that LHO would have been the only suspicious name, and the FBI had no evidence that LHO was a Communist or was even violent.
4. ROBERT INMAN BOUCK: Head of the Secret Service PRS. He testified that the PRS always received a card file of threats to the President in any US city where the SS would accompany the President. Yet before JFK’s trip to Dallas, the Dallas FBI sent no such cards to the PRS.
In my next blog post, I will get down to the chapter and verse of WC testimony from these four, high-ranking Washington DC officials.
Best regards,
--Paul Trejo