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Before We Get Started on General Walker...

Before we get started on General Walker, let's review where we've come in the past year. Using the Warren Commission (WC) testimony as our primary source, we've covered suspicious people from the following Dallas social groups:

1. The Dallas Sheriff's Office

2. The Dallas Police Department

3. The Dallas FBI

4. The Dallas Secret Service

5. Dallas Civilians

We've finally come to the final and most important of the WC witnesses who lived and worked in Dallas in 1963, who also testified before the Warren Commission, namely, resigned US General Edwin A. Walker (1909-1993).

Let's pause, however, before delving directly into the WC testimony of General Walker. For one thing, we want to ensure that our readers have sufficient background into the life and times of General Walker, and into his precise and very personal relationship with US President John F. Kennedy (JFK), and with US Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy (RFK).

To this end, I want all interested readers to take the final two weeks of the month of January to read my Smashwords series on General Walker, free of charge. These three booklets are usually 99 cents each on, but for the rest of this year, 2020, anybody who wishes can download them for free by using the following Coupon Codes. Here they are:




I wrote those booklets starting in 2012 through 2015, during intensive research under noted historian H.W. Brands inside the University of Texas at Austin. During those years, I took advantage of the personal papers of General Walker stored at the Dolph Briscoe Center for American History ; papers donated by his nephew, George Walker (48 boxes) as well as by his secretary, Julia Knecht (32 boxes). Among the papers I found at Dolph Briscoe, available nowhere else (not even NARA) are Walker's Grand Jury hearing transcripts from January 1963, taken at Oxford, Mississippi.

I invite everybody to peruse these three booklets free of charge during the next two weeks. This will give the reader a fulsome background so that we can begin straightaway to review Walker's WC testimony on this website. At present, I can only regret that some suspicious people, whom I believe should have been interviewed by the WC, were not interviewed. I speak of:

  1. Former President of Dallas University and former aide to Senator Joseph McCarthy, namely, Dr. Robert Morris.

  2. Former head of the CPUSA, Larrie Schmidt

  3. Former leader of Interpen, Gerry Patrick Hemming

  4. Former member of Interpen, Loran Hall

All these people were important because of their close relationships with General Walker during 1963. The first two were Dallas Radical Right activists, and the others were Radical Right activists in New Orleans under Guy Banister and David Ferrie. They knew Lee Harvey Oswald through the latter.

I've already expressed my disappointment at the shallow depths through which the WC interviewed Bernard Weissman, because I'm convinced that he knew more about General Walker than he was willing to share without the WC attorneys pulling teeth.

Finally -- here is the point at which the work of Jim Garrison interleaves with the research that Jason and I are doing. With General Walker we finally begin to link up the Dallas Plot with the New Orleans plot of 1963 involving Guy Banister, David Ferrie and Lee Harvey Oswald. Jim Garrison, as New Orleans DA, was able to explore deeply within New Orleans. However, without cooperation by the Dallas DA, Jim Garrison was unable to look as deeply into Dallas. That's why Garrison's work fell short of the work that Jason and I are providing on this web site -- a half century later.

So, please take some time and download my three booklets for free -- and around the start of February we'll begin exploring the WC testimony of General Edwin Walker.

Best regards,


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