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Meat Head Strikes Out

<Image thanks to Disney and South Park>

It's been six months since I've posted here -- because of a serious illness. I'm well now (thank God and my doctors) and I've decided to return today.

The year 2024 opened on a sour note for me -- aside from my illness. The 60th anniversary of the JFK Assassination in Dallas last November 2023 was most disappointing -- as James Files, the phony claimant to JFK shooter stole the show as the featured speaker.

Then came Rob Reiner and his well-publicized claim to have solved the JFK case, and his promise to even name the shooters! His podcast with Soledad O'Brian took weeks to roll-out, and when they finally "named the shooters" it was an insipid, weak affair. They mainly refried old CT's from the past half-century, and served them up to capitalize on the publicity surrounding that 60th anniversary. Also disappointing.

ll, Rob Reiner




Meat Head strikes out!


In their guesswork to implicate the CIA in their JFK Conspiracy Theory, Rob Reiner and Soledad O’Brian named the following people as orchestrators and shooters:


            1. Charles Willoughby – US General                  ORCHESTRATOR

            2. William Harvey – CIA agent                          ORCHESTRATOR

            3. Herminio Diaz García – Cuban exile               SHOOTER

            4. John Souetre – French assassin                       SHOOTER

            5. Charles Nicoletti – Mob guy                          SHOOTER

            6. Jack Cannon – CIA asset                                SHOOTER


Strike out! 


Those who have followed the JFK Conspiracy literature for the past half-century years know these names by heart and know that the so-called cases against them are paper thin – shabby guesswork.


While all of those people openly hated JFK, hatred alone was never enough reason to close the JFK case.  Scores of people famously hated JFK, and many (or most) of them were blamed for his assassination.  It’s too pat.


Here’s a little more detail on these six guys:


1.      General Charles Willoughby was a 70-year-old, former biographer for General MacArthur after World War II and the Korean War.  He was a right-wing fanatic, a violent anti-Communist, and openly critical of JFK’s policies toward Russia.  But he was surrounded by watching eyes.


2.      CIA Agent William Harvey was a hot-head alcoholic stationed in Italy since 1959 after he publicly insulted RFK.  He was one of the early planners of the Bay of Pigs, and he had previously written the most detailed CIA plans for assassinating foreign leaders.  In 1963 he was a drunkard in countless Italian bars.


3.      Herminio Diaz Garcia, a Cuban exile, mob figure and skilled marksman who hated JFK because of the Bay of Pigs disaster – like thousands of other Cuban exiles.  Again, hatred alone is not enough evidence.


4.      John Souetre, a French assassin suspected of shooting at French President Charles de Gaulle in 1962.  It’s too easy to pin blame on an infamous foreigner.  Actual evidence is utterly absent in his case.


1.      Charles Nicoletti, a Chicago mob associate and hit man for Sam Giancana.  He was first named as a JFK shooter by James Files, his chauffeur.  James Files (a phony) claimed that Charles Nicoletti was at Dealey Plaza on Mafia orders to kill JFK.  Just as mob boss Johnny Roselli was often blamed for killing JFK and was murdered in 1976 before testifying to the HSCA, Nicoletti was also murdered in 1977 before he could testify.  In 1991 Files then inserted himself in their story and claimed that Nicoletti invited Files to shoot, too, and Files claimed they both killed JFK.  In 1992, while he was serving a 50-year prison term for attempted murder, Files came up with his story that he was “the grassy knoll shooter.”  There is no evidence aside from Files’ claim that Charles Nicoletti was in Dallas that day.


5.      Jack Cannon was a CIA operative knee-deep in the Bay of Pigs disaster.  Rumors about him are based on the urban myth that the CIA and Cuban Exiles killed JFK over the Bay of Pigs.  It makes exciting fiction.  Since the Cuba crisis also involved the Mafia, and since the CIA also paid Mafia guys like Johnny Roselli for their attempts to kill Fidel Castro, the old cottage industry of pulp fiction involving the unholy alliance of the CIA, Cuban Exiles, and the Mob is still alive and well.


Last Fall, before the 60th November anniversary of the JFK assassination, Rob Reiner and Soledad O’Brian announced that their 10-part podcast “Who Killed JFK?” would actually name the JFK shooters in their 10th and final episode to be published January 2024.


For those of us who had been following the JFK assassination for the better part of a half century and have read most of the more than 300 books on the topic, we were intrigued by the name of Dick Russell.  In their podcast, Reiner and O’Brian used Dick Russell – a famous journalist who had written the classic work, “The Man Who Knew Too Much” (1992) about CIA agent Richard Case Nagell and his suspicions that the CIA killed JFK. 


Did Dick Russell find something new?  Nope.


But the CIA-did-it CT rose front and center again, claiming that Lee Harvey Oswald (hereafter LHO) was actually a CIA agent (which is nonsense).


Actually, LHO worked for Guy Banister in New Orleans in 1963 (weeks after the Walker shooting) and Guy Banister and a few of his Cuban associates were CIA assets in the goal of killing Fidel Castro.  That’s an indirect connection, but it’s far from being a professional CIA agent.  LHO was a high-school dropout who could barely spell – hardly worthy of a CIA agent’s salary.


Although LHO did say, “I’m just a Patsy,” and was probably telling the truth, the fact remains that every Patsy who finally discovers he’s a Patsy knows EXACTLY who made him a Patsy.  That is further evidence that LHO was part of a plot and didn’t act ALONE.


JFK CTers for decades have named five sites: the TSBD; the Dal-Tex Building across the street; the picket fence on the grassy knoll; the County Records Building; and the overpass across from the grassy knoll – each with its own shooting team.  So it’s no surprise that Rob Reiner and Soledad O’Brian also named them.  But after all the build-up promising to name the JFK shooters last Fall, they whimpered at the end of their 10-part podcast:


We can’t say for a certainty who killed JFK.  It’s impossible.  We’ll never know for sure.”


What a cop-out after all the Hollywood hype.  (And it’s silly to confess that one doesn’t know while at the same time insisting that nobody else can ever know!  Only those who know can insist that nobody else knows).


The release of the final CIA materials on the JFK assassination has yielded nothing to improve the CIA-did-it case.  Nor have researchers fully explored Hoover’s own material on the JFK case.  When will that be publicly available?  We at this web site claim that we are closer to the Truth than anybody else when we say that the radical right wing in Dallas killed JFK. 


We base our theory mostly on Warren Commission witness testimony, pointing out all the contradictions in them.  We say: 


  • Led by the resigned US General Edwin Walker (the only US General to resign in the 20th century), members of the Dallas Minutemen executed a paramilitary guerilla attack on JFK.  

  • George DeMohrenschildt (DM), Everett Glover, Volkmar Schmidt and Michael Paine encouraged LHO’s shooting at General Walker and deserve some of the blame for that.

  • George DM confessed this to Igor and Natasha Voshinin the weekend of the Walker shooting, and Natasha called the FBI (James Hosty) immediately with the information. 

  • Hosty called Walker immediately, and that was how Walker knew “within days” (as he said to his 1976 letter to Senator Frank Church) that LHO had been his shooter.

  • Two weeks after the Walker shooting, LHO was in the hands of Walker’s Minutemen buddies in New Orleans, plotting to kill Fidel Castro.  This was the motive for LHO’s trip to Mexico in his futile effort to get into Cuba instantly.


The CIA’s involvement with LHO was only indirectly, through Operation Mongoose (a plan by William Harvey) which would pay Guy Banister through David Atlee Phillips to kill Fidel Castro.  Banister used LHO to infiltrate Fidel Castro’s FPCC in America.  LHO worked for Banister alone.


Also, LHO struck out in Mexico City.  He returned to Dallas to live near his wife, Marina (who was living with Ruth Paine, because Marina was nine months pregnant, LHO had no health insurance, and Marina had not seen a doctor before Ruth, a Quaker Charity lady, came to help her).


The radical right wing in New Orleans was a compliment to the radical right wing in Dallas.  The Minutemen in Dallas were the interstate paramilitary compliment to the Minutemen in New Orleans. 


The Minutemen dominated Dallas so that nobody from the US Federal Government could get a major foothold there without their OK.  The Mafia had as little hope of a major foothold in Dallas as the CIA or FBI.  In New Orleans, Guy Banister led the Minutemen.  In Dallas, Ex-General Walker led the Minutemen.


There were members of the Minutemen in the Dallas Police Department and the Dallas Sheriff’s Department.  Here is where the shooters came from, we say – not paid assassins – but local patriots who happened to belong to the US radical right wing in 1963.   They entrusted their secrecy to each other as they entrusted their lives to each other.


Many of them testified for the Warren Commission – and we detect holes in their testimonies. 


In Dallas the Minutemen were led by Ex-General Walker -- an expert in paramilitary and guerrilla warfare since World War II.  He was the highest-ranking ex-military man in Dallas, and so the natural leader of such a plot.


Anyway -- Rob Reiner and Soledad O’Brian reported zero clues about any of this.  They didn’t know.  Like all other CIA-did-it theorists, they overstated their case, and they ended up apologizing for their Hollywood hype.


So -- all that’s now history.  In my next post I’ll focus on a topic I’ve never covered in the past five years of posts on this web site -- namely -- the topic of Jack Ruby.


In my reading, Jack Ruby was no part of the plot to kill JFK, but it wasn’t hard for him (or for J. Edgar Hoover) to put the pieces together, having seen what the radical right could do. 


But Jack Ruby was beholden to specific members of the Dallas Police who put pressure on Jack to kill LHO before he could talk.  They probably promised Jack that he would get off with a slap on the wrist -- or maybe even be a hero to most Americans if he did this.  In any case, Jack Ruby killed LHO.


In my next post, I’ll deeply into Jack Ruby by using the observations of an educated man who had known Jack Ruby for many years, namely, Seth Kantor.


Thank you,

--Paul Trejo

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