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Don't conflate the crime with the coverup. LBJ and Hoover produced the coverup.


The authors of the assassination had different objectives than LBJ and Hoover.


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CIA did not kill JFK

CIA did not kill JFK

Jim Garrison agrees with us when he says the US government did not participate in the conspiracy to assassinate JFK.

CD7 The anonymous clue

CD7 The anonymous clue

We believe the essential elements of this anonymous letter are correct.

Garrison tags the Extreme Right

Garrison tags the Extreme Right

Oliver Stone's film "JFK" leaves viewers thinking New Orleans DA Jim Garrison blamed the CIA for killing Kennedy. In fact, Garrison repeatedly said the true genesis of Kennedy's murder was the southern Radical Right.

Ruby mentions Walker to Justice Warren

Ruby mentions Walker to Justice Warren

Jack Ruby tells Chief Justice Earl Warren and future president Gerald Ford that General Walker leads the John Birch Society in Dallas. Why would Oswald's assassin bring up General Edwin Walker?

Initial Suspects

Initial Suspects

The FBI went on a nationwide hunt for the right wing extremists responsible for Kennedy's death. They were soon shut down in this pursuit when Hoover and LBJ decided the truth was too dangerous and a Lone Nut assassin must be the official verdict.



The Dallas police insisted on a communist conspiracy. LBJ and Hoover decided history must record no conspiracy of any kind and instead an angry lone nut assassin.

Bringuier newsletter

Bringuier newsletter

Carlos Bringuier is perhaps the Rosetta Stone of Oswald's work in 1963. Among Bringuier's attributes are: John Birch Society activist, General Walker associate, anti-Castro ex-official of the Batista regime, co-star of a television interview with Lee Harvey Oswald, rabid anti-communist, and designated actor in the pretend fight against Oswald staged in August, 1963 on Canal St. in New Orleans. Bringuier insists to this day that Oswald was a Castro agent.

Communist Party tags Walker

Communist Party tags Walker

General Walker was named by the Communist Party of the United States as assassination ringleader. Both the far right and far left blame each other.

Ann Richards

Ann Richards

Along with the Kennedys and Oswald, the Texas radical right's list of presumed communists included future Texas governor Ann Richards.

Joesten links the FBI and Hunt

Joesten links the FBI and Hunt

The FBI in Dallas and especially James Hosty were integral in defending General Walker's financier H L Hunt from scrutiny after the assassination. Earlier FBI internal communications, collaborated by the ATF, repeatedly document violent radical right wing activity in the Dallas / Ft Worth area. After 22NOV63, the FBI in Dallas absurdly begins denying any right wing extremist organizations exist in the metroplex. This is from Joachim Joesten's 1967 book "How Kennedy was killed."

Martin Miller's 1964 Masterpiece

Martin Miller's 1964 Masterpiece

The creators of this website separately came to many of the same conclusions as Dr Martin Miller did in 1964 about General Edwin Walker. General Walker was an early (and for many THE obvious) suspect in the JFK assassination.

Martin Miller part 2

Martin Miller part 2

Dr Martin Miller advised Hoover and Robert Kennedy of the same facts and theories invoked on this website.

Martin Miller part 3

Martin Miller part 3

Dr Miller pieced it all together in 1964.

Red Scare?

Red Scare?

After Kennedy's assassination, the southern conservative extremists made it a priority to ensure the assassination of the Left wing commie sympathizer Kennedy was blamed on Left wing commie Oswald.

Croy to Austin's barbecue

Croy to Austin's barbecue

Austin's Barbecue is: 1. John Birch Society clubhouse in Dallas, 2. Weekend job for DPD officer and murder victim J D Tippit. Why does officer Croy head there for lunch on the busiest day in DPD history?

Right Wing reaction

Right Wing reaction

General Walker's pal and noted evangelist Gerald L K Smith had an audience of millions. Here Smith admits joining General Walker in -at the moment- an inexplicable belief that Oswald's 2nd victim in 1963 was Kennedy, after an attack on Walker himself.

A commie kills JFK

A commie kills JFK

General Walker and the Radical Right desperately wanted JFK dead at the hands of a communist conspiracy - in terms of public percpetion.

Minuetemen react to accusations

Minuetemen react to accusations

General Walker's Minutemen were defensive about their role in JFK's murder.

Oswald is not CIA

Oswald is not CIA

Gerald L K Smith has nonpublic information about Oswald and the assassination as shown in this "Cross and Flag" magazine article.



FBI Agent Hosty and others in Dallas law enforcement are intensely following the Minutemen, General Walker, and other Radical Right elements in Dallas ... but they mysteriously deny this to post-assassination investigators.

The commies killed Kennedy

The commies killed Kennedy

In the aftermath of Kennedy's murder, the extreme right wing desperately tries to control the narrative. General Walker insists there is a conspiracy in the Kennedy assassination - a conspiracy sponsored by Moscow and delivered through their agent Lee Harvey Oswald.

The FBI & Walker's long relationship

The FBI & Walker's long relationship

For decades General Edwin Walker is documented by FBI resources.

Revilo Oliver

Revilo Oliver

Reactionary professor Revilo Oliver joins General Walker's effort to show JFK died on the orders of Moscow and the communist agents in America calling themselves the CIA.

Why did they ever suspect Oswald?

Why did they ever suspect Oswald?

This internal Warren Commission staff memo typifies a critical question: Why did anyone ever suspect Oswald of shooting JFK? The sequence of events leading -first- to the designation of Oswald as a suspect, and, second, to his speedy arrest in a little over an hour empowers Dallas police with implausible abilities to solve the biggest crime in their history. There is in fact no reason to suspect Oswald for shooting president Kennedy in the immediate aftermath of the crime.

The Warren Commission's focus

The Warren Commission's focus

Convicting Lee Harvey Oswald as the lone nut assassin of JFK was the objective of the Warren Commission.

General Walker accused

General Walker accused

Right wing extremist General Edwin Walker was accused of the assassination immediately.

Walker's ranch

Walker's ranch

ATF Agent Frank Ellsworth pursued General Walker and the Dallas radical right persistently. His work is critical but underused by researchers because it fits neither the Lone Nut nor the CIA-did-it narrative.

Walker's perjury

Walker's perjury

General Walker lies to the Warren Commission by denying his role in a newspaper article linking himself and Oswald.

It's a commie conspiracy!

It's a commie conspiracy!

The extreme right continually insists Kennedy was murdered by a communist conspiracy.

Walker versus Chief Curry

Walker versus Chief Curry

General Walker always insisted that he was shot at by Lee Harvey Oswald and that Oswald shot Kennedy as part of a communist conspiracy.



Tom Tilson was one of many honest Dallas cops whose testimony was unheard or minimised because what they saw contradicted the official Oswald-lone-nut narrative. His story didn't emerge until a 1970s congressional inquiry.

The DPD was not pro-Kennedy

The DPD was not pro-Kennedy

According to Walt Brown in his book, "Treachery in Dallas," the local cops and the John Birch Society were largely equivalent. Click on the link below for the book.

J D Tippit

J D Tippit

Dallas police officer J D Tippit joins President Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald as one of three historic and mysterious murder victims that weekend. What exactly was Tippit's job on 22NOV63? Normal police work or something more?

Anonymous letter 1964 to DPD

Anonymous letter 1964 to DPD

J D Tippit was also murdered in Dallas on 22NOV63. Was he murdered to keep him quiet?

Tippit & Austin's BBQ

Tippit & Austin's BBQ

DPD patrolman J D Tippit was murdered shortly after JFK on 22NOV63. His moonlighting income came from John Birch Society clubhouse Austin's BBQ.

A suspect

A suspect

Apart from Oswald, one name repeatedly came up as a suspect in Kennedy's murder in the aftermath of Dealey Plaza - General Edwin Walker.

Minutemen informant says involved in JFK

Minutemen informant says involved in JFK

The FBI had several informants linking General Walker's Minutemen to the assassination. National Archives record 124-90129-10134

Walker is persistently a suspect

Walker is persistently a suspect

In the 1990s, the Assassinations Record Review Board took another look at General Walker....(see next slide)

ARRB looks at Walker in the 1990s

ARRB looks at Walker in the 1990s

In reaction to the Oliver Stone film, "JFK," the government sets up the Assassination Records Review Board to ration the release of sealed records. The ARRB takes an interest in General Edwin Walker, although investigating the JFK murder is beyond their legislative mandate.

Jim Garrison names the Radical Right

Jim Garrison names the Radical Right

New Orleans DA Jim Garrison accused the Radical Right Minutemen of the assassination - commanded in Dallas by General Edwin Walker

Right wing plot in the Warren Report

Right wing plot in the Warren Report

Witness testimony and other evidence throughout the Warren Report supports a Radical Right wing plot. This is Arthur Johnson testifying in 1964.

General Walker was a prime suspect

General Walker was a prime suspect

One of numerous tips given to the FBI naming Walker as Kennedy's killer.

Removed from the Warren Report

Removed from the Warren Report

This DPD memo alleging General Walker's involvement in anti-Kennedy activities in Dallas on the day of the assassination was initially marked Commission Exhibit 710. However, Exhibit 710 appears nowhere in the Warren Commission publications.

Hunt out of Dallas by FBI

Hunt out of Dallas by FBI

General Walker's benefactor was right wing extremist H L Hunt.

Jim Garrison pinpoints Walker

Jim Garrison pinpoints Walker

New Orleans DA Jim Garrison determined that General Walker and he Minutemen were involved in the assassination.

Ghost Oswald

Ghost Oswald

The image of Lee Harvey Oswald holding weapons and communist literature helped solidify him as a pro-Castro fanatic. One version appeared on the cover of LIFE Magazine. These backyard photographs remain the subject of controversy. In the 1990s, versions of these photos with the human form cut out were found in Dallas police files. The vertical lines evidence the then-necessary overlay imaging process to fake a photo. Did the DPD help create Oswald's public commie-nut persona?

Jack Ruby and Geneva White

Jack Ruby and Geneva White

Jack Ruby pictured with Geneva White. Geneva White's husband, Roscoe White, is present in the Grassy Knoll during the assassination. In the 1970s, a previously unknown version of Oswald's famous backyard photos turn up in Geneva White's garage. Roscoe White's son claims his father shot officer J D Tippit.

General Walker's Conspiracy Theory

General Walker's Conspiracy Theory

General Edwin Walker believed he was shot at by Lee Harvey Oswald and that Oswald was protected by the US Government by not being prosecuted for the crime. The Kennedys had a long and rigorous fight with General Walker which Walker believed was the motivation for the 10 April 1963 attack at Walker's house in Dallas.

Marina Oswald & Gen Walker

Marina Oswald & Gen Walker

Marina Oswald consistently testifies as to a connection between Lee Harvey Oswald and General Walker.

Ruby and Hunt

Ruby and Hunt

Oswald's assassin Jack Ruby is connected to General Walker's benefactor, H L Hunt.

FBI Agent Hosty sees conspiracy

FBI Agent Hosty sees conspiracy

FBI Agent James Hosty knew Lee Harvey Oswald before the assassination. Hosty joins General Walker and the Radical Right in insisting the communists were behind the Kennedy assassination.

DPD blames FBI

DPD blames FBI

Dr Jerry Rose, writing in his newsletter The Third Decade, is among the first to connect the DPD with the Radical Right. General Walker's group in Dallas believed that the US government, from the Kennedys to the FBI and the CIA were infiltrated by Moscow operatives. The DPD repeatedly hints the federal government is complicit in the assassination.

Oswald the fake communist

Oswald the fake communist

The authors of the JFK assassination went to great lengths to establish that Lee Harvey Oswald was a communist. Likewise, General Walker and the Radical Right insist for decades that the shots in Dealey Plaza were the work of a communist conspiracy.

Ross Carlton

Ross Carlton

The Texas School Book Depository is owned by right wing extremist Ross Carlton.

The Radical Right's narrative

The Radical Right's narrative

The Radical Right was quick to influence the public narrative of the Kennedy assassination. General Walker joins with his right hand man, Bob Surrey, promoting a book advancing their preferred version of history.

General Walker & Guy Banister

General Walker & Guy Banister

General Edwin Walker and Guy Banister are active in Louisiana right wing groups. Guy Banister programs Oswald in New Orleans and Walker has Oswald filmed.

General Walker is anti-Castro

General Walker is anti-Castro

General Walker is closely associated with Carlos Bringuier. Bringuier stages a fictitious confrontation on Canal St in New Orleans in the summer of 1963 to sheep dip Oswald as a communist. This FBI document shows Walker's support of the DRE, an anti-Castro group run in New Orleans by Carlos Bringuier.

Walker's letter to Senator Church

Walker's letter to Senator Church

General Walker spent three decades claiming that he was almost assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963 at the direction of the Kennedys, the CIA, and similar US government forces operating as Moscow-controlled communist fronts.

Walker's house sign

Walker's house sign

General Edwin Walker was full of conspiracy theories and he advertised his belief that Oswald, Ruby, and the Warren Commission conspired to hide communist attacks against him and Kennedy.

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